How to Reduce Cyber Security Risks For Remote Workers During COVID-19


Many companies have pushed through the contingency plan of mandating their employees to work remotely in light of the unceasing spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. And as the number of remote workers grows, the risks of a data breach and/or cyber security issues likewise escalate. 

It’s because while companies try to keep their businesses running while coping with the global health crisis all at the same time, cyber criminals or hackers might take advantage of the situation to attack at any moment. 

Conceding that the aforementioned issues occur, the remote workforce’s cyber safety isn’t the only thing that’s at risk but as well as the company’s reputation. Therefore, company owners, managers, and/or team leaders must come up with a plan to prevent the unlikely events of such risks and threats. 

On that note, here are some beneficial key points to help businesses lessen the risks of cyber security issues both for their employees who are working remotely and their company’s electronic data and files.

  • Consider data breach or cyber liability insurance as part of your company’s cyber security measures

While there are various insurance policies you can have for your business, considering data breach or cyber liability insurance will enable you to take necessary actions if incidents of breaches or cyber security issues occur. The data breach insurance and cyber liability insurance are both meant to provide protection to your business against the risks of cyber attacks. 

However, there’s a fine line of difference between the aforementioned insurances. The data breach insurance merely secures the business’ financial interest. On the other hand, cyber liability insurance provides coverage to financial losses caused by a breach, as well as, gives legal protection.  

  • Provide the remote workforce with adequate electronic devices to do their tasks at home efficiently

When opting for a work from home system amid the COVID-19 pandemic, make sure that you provide your employees with the right electronic devices. This is to ensure that the devices or equipment they use to do their job are secured and authenticated. 

  • Limit or have designated protocols regarding the use of employees’ personal devices or gadgets on work-related matters

In connection with the previous key point, it’s necessary to limit or have clear protocols with the use of employees’ personal devices or gadgets on work-related matters. It’s understood that not all employees have enough knowledge or level of awareness when it comes to securing their devices. 

With that, to protect your business against the risks of a data breach or cyberattacks, it will be a great help to encourage your employees to avoid using their personal devices on work-related errands as much as possible.    

  • Raise awareness about the risks of a data breach and cyber security threats

In this period of the coronavirus disease pandemic, companies must not only educate their employees about the proper hand washing, social and physical distancing, and keeping a healthy lifestyle. 

Business owners, managers, and team leaders must also raise awareness concerning the risks of a data breach and cyber security issues especially now that the majority are working remotely. 

This can be done even amid the pandemic with the help of technology. You can call on your team members to attend a virtual seminar or training concerning the importance of strong cyber security, and so on. 

  • Allocate different passwords or codes for respective systems used for work

While encouraging employees to change passwords or codes might seem effective for some, this may only result in insufficient security hygiene. Why? It’s because employees may just choose passwords that are easy to remember or start noting them down on an easy-to-access paper on their table. 

Instead of requiring them to change passwords or codes every month, a couple of months, or so, encourage them to assign different passwords for respective systems or devices they often use for work-associated matters. 

  • Make backing up of the company’s electronic data and files as part of preventive measures

Last but not the least is that for you to make backing up of electronic data and files as a big part of your company’s preventive measures against breaches or cyberattacks. 

This type of preventive measure will somehow help you and your business mitigate the damaging consequences if and only if cyberattacks occurred in this time of the pandemic or so. 

The bottom line:

Running a business during these frightening and challenging times is a critical circumstance for every business owner around the world. Not only the fear of the virus is present but also the worry of facing such breaches and/or cybersecurity threats. 

With that, lessen your stress and worries by acknowledging the following tips above. If you have more tips or advice for our readers, don’t hesitate to comment below.