Make Yourself Advance By Learning Some Important Tech Tricks


We apply technology in nearly all things that we do in our day by day lives; we use technology for communication, at work, transportation, manufacturing, learning, making sure about information, scaling organizations, and significantly more. Technology is human information that includes tools, materials, and ways. In basic terms, on the cutting edge of 2020, technology online magazines are the most visited website in the world. In technique time, people are very interested to learn new techniques and learn all the tips and tricks related to technology to save time. Through this article, you will explore some tips and tricks that will help you in saving time. So, have a look at this article:

  1. Keyboard Shortcut Keys

This is a feature that is been utilized by people for a long time yet at the same time is perhaps the best feature if you are a compulsive worker. If you are an individual who deals with laptops and PCs, at that point this tip is going to help you a great deal since it saves time. For instance, instead of utilizing a cursor and choosing the article, you can do it just by pressing Ctrl + A = Select all (entire article), Crtl + C = Copy Ctrl + V = Paste and some more. Other than these alternate keys, there are a few keys, for example, window + PrtScr for the screen capture, Esc to short the screen, Fn + F5 to refresh, etc.

Ctrl+B will bold the text, Ctrl+F will find a specific word, Ctrl+H to find a specific word and, then replace that, Ctrl will change the font of the text to italic, Ctrl+N to open a new file, Ctrl+S = save the currently open document, Ctrl+Z to undo. Alt+F4 to close the currently open window. On triple-click in a paragraph, you can select that whole paragraph. There are over 20 alternate route keys that individuals can use if you want to know about them in detail. At that point, you can view some best tech blogs in India.

  1. Right Click

This is an effective feature that people can use for making everything simple, time-saving, and efficient. Right-click is a tip or trick that can be utilized by people for searching anything on Google without opening any tab. For instance, while perusing an article you see an unordinary word (whose meaning is not known by you). Rather than opening a tab and looking through it Google, select the word and right-click with the mouse. After that click on the option of search on Google. Consequently, this is the thing that you can save your time and make your work simple. Utilize this trick, if you need to have some more data about this, at that point, you can search some tech blogs India.

  1. Use Spacebar To Scroll The Page

Spacebar is the other best alternative that you can use for making things simpler. As we all know, we use scroll bars to look over our screen. Scrolling with the help of the mouse takes much time while working with the keyboard. So, if you need to look over the page down and up with the spacebar, at that point you can use the spacebar. This will effortlessly help you with scrolling the page down and down. To scroll down the page, you will have to tap the spacebar 2 times and if you need to return, tap it once more. This is probably the best tip that can be utilized by the people in case the mouse isn’t working appropriately or when you are using a keyboard only. To know more about the spacebar functions, search for some technology blogs in India.

4. Scroll Wheel To Open New Tab

This is also a time-saving feature that you can utilize. If you rapidly need to open another tab, then you can utilize this option of the scroll wheel. To do this, place the cursor on the link that you want to open, then you will have to click down the scroll wheel. If you want to know more about the scroll wheel, then you should search for some top tech blogs in India.

Future With Tech is a technology blog India that will help you learn a wide range of things, for example, tricks and tips of blogging, SEO, and many different things. Probably the best thing about this blog is that they regularly keep you updated with more current things and the data provided is written in very simple language and accurate.